International students are even more subject to the risk of facing financial hurdles because of limited access to financial aid that they receive. Even so, there are some that can be accessed. The list’s goal is to draw up an inventory of the principal aids that these students can qualify for. The following list is non-exhaustive: other aids can exist according to each situation. Please find hereunder these different financial aids and their prerequisites which you can ask for.

There are also differences according to the country of origin: some scholarship programs exist and differ from a student status to another, e.g. refugee status: “If you come from Syria, Egypt, Irak, Jordania, Lebanon, Turkey, you are eligible to the HOPES (Higher and Further Education Opportunities and Perspectives for Syrians) project” (based on


Erasmus programs and Study-abroad Programs are detailed in part IV on “mobilité”.

A. Ministry of Higher Education and Research

  • University

Since the recent reform on enrolment fees for international students, registration costs have noticeably increased. Nevertheless a large number of French universities support most fees. International relations and school offices should be able to inform you on your university particularities. 

As far as your host university is concerned, it is possible to ask for a FSDIE-social (Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes) social aid to the Faculty in charge of your program. Approach your Student life services to know the terms and conditions as well as gain access to the forms.


  • Centres régionaux des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires (Crous)

Eligibility to the Crous scholarships are hardly accessible. But, you can ask for a Crous accommodation in a university from the complementary phase (generally between July 5th and 10th each year), after creating your student social file (DSE); application is usually between January 15th and May 15th each year.


With the Crous, it is possible to ask for punctual assistance, this time, awarded without taking into account the students’ parents’ incomes. By contacting your Crous social services, you can ask for a punctual specific assistance called ASAP


Crous social workers are attentive and will know what appropriate solutions to offer, according to your situation and difficulties. Even if you are not eligible for the Crous scholarship, it is still possible to take an appointment with them if support is needed.

B. Other ministerial and territorial services

  • Ministry of International Affairs’ Scholarships

Different scholarships can be awarded to students going abroad in France. According to your profiles, different programs and scholarships are available. These are detailed on the Ministry of International Affairs website


  • Regional authorities’ scholarships

For the students’ community following courses on involved territories of local authorities, you can be eligible for doctoral or postdoctoral fellowships. There are also regional fellowships if it is part of an exchange agreement with some countries’ institutions, according


  • Daily financial aids

Some regional authorities offer solidarity pricing upon social criteria or student status which enables students to be eligible for housing and public transport (to some extent, it is also applicable to some local companies according to where you are). These can be found on Part II “vie courante”.

C. Social and health services

  • Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF)

Everyday life social aids are available. The CAF takes into consideration international students’ statuses, particularly regarding accommodation allowance and activity bonus requests. Online counselors and those in your CAF office can guide and accompany you through your procedures process.


  • Caisse d’assurance maladie (health insurance)

The universal health insurance cover offers access to a social cover from l’Assurance maladie ( This affiliation is mandatory and secures access to medical care for all. 


  • University health services 

These services, such as university health centers and University Psychological Assistance Offices (called BAPU), are accessible to everyone who has the student status (and card).